You might not always come upon a railway crossing in your daily outings. In some cases, it may be weeks or even months, depending on where you travel, before you approach this type of crossing. It's important that you deal with this situation properly, not only for your safety and the safety of those in your vehicle but also to avoid legal issues. Police officers can sometimes be present around railway crossings to watch the habits of motorists, and it's possible to get a ticket if you don't follow the rules of the road. While a traffic ticket attorney may be able to get the ticket dismissed for you, you're better off avoiding the ticket in the first place. Here are three ways that you could get ticketed at a railway crossing.

Going Around The Gate Arms

Although the average motorist isn't apt to proceed when a train is fast approaching, you may sometimes find yourself in a situation in which the railway crossing's gate arms are down and the train is still a considerable distance away. It can be tempting, especially if you're in a rush, to weave your way around the gate arms and continue on your way. This behavior isn't just dangerous, however — it's also illegal and an easy way to earn a ticket if a police officer catches you driving this way.

Not Stopping When It's Mandated

At most railway crossings, the average motorist doesn't need to stop when the gate arms are in the elevated position. However, certain vehicles are always required to stop at the crossing before proceeding — essentially, treating the railway crossing like a stop sign. This is true for bus drivers and the drivers of certain commercial vehicles. If you don't bother with this procedure, you could find yourself getting a ticket.

Stopping Over The Line

You'll notice at most railway crossings that the stop line is a considerable distance back from the gate arms. If you're the first vehicle in a line of vehicles that stop at the crossing, you might creep forward until you're well past the line. This is a dangerous move because it will put you precariously close to the train, which could be wider than you expect. Stopping well over the line is a decision that could also lead to a traffic ticket. Try to avoid each of the above behaviors, but if you do find yourself ticketed at a railway crossing or elsewhere, hire a traffic attorney quickly.
